Christmas Set # 2


Original price was: 900.00EGP.Current price is: 700.00EGP.

3 candles with lavender cinnamon scent
Its always feels like christmas with your loved ones around
Gift your self this christmas
Or Show your loved ones,boy or a girl how much you care about them

Nothing feels like Christmas more than this



3 candles with lavender cinnamon scent
Its always feels like christmas with your loved ones around
Gift your self this christmas
Or Show your loved ones,boy or a girl how much you care about them

Nothing feels like Christmas more than this


Additional information

Item #1

None, Blue sessen perfume(sweet flowery uni sex perfume), Nehet perfume(Woody male perfume), Reed Diffuser oud, Reed diffuser Chocolate Orange


None, Hair leave in Cream, Beard balm apple cinnamon, Tint brown red, Tint Dark Red, Tint red


None, Shower gel, Highlighter bronze, Highlighter gold, Highlighter Pearl, Bath Salt


None, Scented Candle Orange Cinnamon in upcycles glass, Scented Candle Oud in coloured glass, All waters face serum, Collagen face serum, Lavender cream linen spray, Citrus sweet spray
